Hello, my name is Justin Howard. I'm an enthusiastic front-end web engineer proficient in HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and React.

picture of justin howard

I have a goal-oriented work style and a passion for continuous learning of my craft!


Proper Semantic Markup to facilitate:

  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Light File Sizes
  • Disabled Accessibility
  • CSS
  • SASS
  • SCSS
  • Animations
  • Responsive designs that work on all screen sizes
  • API
  • Object Oriented Javascript
  • Higher Order Functions / CallBacks
  • Advanced Scope / Closure
  • Synchronous / Asynchronous Behavior - Promises & Async/Await
  • Algorithms & More
  • JSX
  • Components and Props
  • Lists and Keys
  • State, Lifecycle, etc.


 gif the the Grooving app

My capstone app built with React that allows users to cultivate a playlist that can be uploaded to their personal Spotify account.

Note: User will be directed to login to their spotify account on page load***

GitHub: https://github.com/zorro1rr/grooving

Mighty Tasty!

gif of mighty-tasty app

App built with React that provides users with information about local businesses via the Yelp api


New York Times Headlines

screenshot of NYT API project

This projects ultizes the NYT API to serve users links to the top headlines of the day/


Flyo Landing Page

image of fylo landing page

I helped create a mock website project using HTML and CSS with two other developers to showcase version control on github.
